I want to visit HOKKAIDO!
I really want to visit HOKKAIDO!!! Links for Hokkaido : Hokkaido wikipedia (history in Hokkaido) travel in Hokkaido (traveler's blog) Here is a nice YouTube video (with many ideas) : There are many things I want to do! Here are my top 5 : 1- I want to air trip. 2- I want to visit Hanabatake Ranch. and then eat raw caramel!! 3- I also want to dig gold dust in Usotannai Gold Dust Dig Park. 4- I want to visit Shikaribetsu Lake. because this lake is located in the most hight place in Hokkaido. 5- I want to enjoy lavender in Furano Farm in Furano City. Here's a google map of Hokkaido : Thank you for reading my blog!!! If you have more ideas about Hokkaido, Please write them to me !!!