
6月, 2023の投稿を表示しています

Manga Servey Analysis

Manga Servey Analysis Manga Servey Analysis My reserarch topic: Manga Target : Kanswei Guwakin University Students in Japanese Number of respondents: (12) (Summery) Students answered 12 question about manga. (Reselts) Graph#1 shows that most respondents like mangea. In fast, 58.8% responded "yes", 33.3% responded "so-so", and the last 8.3% responded "no". These results are a little supreising considering the popularity of manga in Japan. #1 List#2 shows that the most reason to read manga is fun, loveiing the contents. As you can see that manga is popular for the contents. However, the fast that some people read manga for the characters was not surprising considered with hot selling of the good about manga characters.   #2 Graph#3 shows that "one peace" as the respondents' favorite manga series. parhaps the high result for one peace is due to that fast of all the respondents were in the world. one piece is the most popular comic in the worl...

manga servey

  manga servey please answe my servey, if you like!! 読み込んでいます…

Ice Cream Servey

 prease answer my survey 読み込んでいます…

My Invention

 The supporting wake up machine "washy waker"? (Original Problem & Idea / Solution)     many people have problem to get up early in the morning. moreover, in the morning, there are many things to do such as making bed, washing your face, washing yuor tooth, eating beakfast, changing cothes, making up, etc. do you become happy to do one of these things will finish as you are get up?      here, i suggest my invention, "washy waker", the machine that make you to get up and wash your hand at one time. thanks to this, you can spend morning better.      "washy waker" combines two products to enable you to get up and wash your face in one time. (Article)   the effect of  angle sleeping, not sleeping horizone (Specifics)   ・ Purchase a bed or make change your bed, under your bed put holder table. ・ stiff a mattress or futon not to slide it ・set a backet to wash your face as the bed get up. (Warn) ・if  the roof is not e...